ways to save money on medicines

The price of both over-the-counter medicines and NHS prescriptions can leave your wallet feeling light. Thankfully, though, there are plenty of clever ways to cut the cost of staying healthy.
1Plan ahead
Pharmacist holding security device for customer in drug store

You can cut the cost of repeat prescriptions by buying a prescription prepayment certificate (PPC). This is a bit like a medication season ticket, in which you pay £29.10 for three months or £104 for 12 months to cover all the prescription charges you would otherwise have to pay.

2Try own-brand
High Angle View Pills And Bottle On Table

Most of us know that retailers’ own-brand products cost a fraction of the price of branded ones, and it's no different with medicine. Tesco’s own-brand pack of 16 500mg paracetamol tablets costs 30p, for instance, while 16 500mg pills from a well-known brand can set you back £1.65. To compare medicines, look for the active ingredient listed on the packaging and the dose.

3Shop around
Senior woman reading package in drug store

As when buying anything, the advice is to always look for the best price possible. Even own-brand medicines can vary quite a bit, so it’s worth doing some research to get the best deal. This is especially true for medicines you rely on frequently. Compare over-the-counter medicines at mysupermarket.co.uk for the best price.

See if you're eligible for free prescriptions

Free Prescription Drugs
At £8.80 a pop, the cost of prescriptions in England can soon add up, especially if you take medication regularly. However, some conditions and medication can be prescribed free of charge. If you think you might be entitled to this service, or if you’re unsure, this NHS online tool will help you work it out.

5Avoid targeted painkillers

Young woman at home at desk suffering headache

Targeted medicines, such as those labelled specifically for headaches or back pain, are just there to make you buy a certain brand. Instead of paying a high price, check the active ingredient and buy the generic medication, rather than the ailment-specific versions. 
