Diego Costa throws further accusations at Chelsea in another inflammatory interview

Diego Costa wants Chelsea to lower their demands to allow him to return to Atletico Madrid

Diego Costa has accused Chelesa of pricing him out of a move to his former club Atletico Madrid, as the increasingly fractious exchanges between the exiled striker and his employers continue.
In an interview with ESPN, Costa has suggested that the lavish asking price being demanded by Chelsea - which is reported to be between £40m and £50m - will block any hopes he has of a return to Atletico this summer.
Costa is prepared to sign for Atletico Madrid even though he will not be able to play for the club until January due to their current transfer embargo, yet it seems a move will be tough to finalise unless the Blues lower their asking price.
“I’ve demonstrated I care for Atletico and have interest in playing for them, but if Atletico and Chelsea don’t come to an agreement and Atletico don’t make a big effort, I can’t keep on wanting to play for a club that isn’t going to make a bigger effort to try and sign me,” stated Costa.
“I know that this (effort) will happen, but if it’s to pay the amount that Chelsea want it won’t be possible.
“What I know is that this offer Chelsea will get is bigger than what they paid (£32m), so I’ve given them something back in all senses.”
Costa admitted he didn’t know the asking price Chelsea were demanding, yet his value has clearly been affected by the way Blues boss Anotnio Conte has publicly confirmed he will not be part of his plans moving forward.
“I don’t know (the fee being demanded), but my agent said that Chelsea want something that Atletico can’t get near,” he added.
“When we heard that Conte didn’t want me anymore, my agent went to find out if there was interest from Atletico for me coming back.
“Of course for the warmth and respect that I earned there, they showed interest, but they wouldn’t pay a fortune. Atletico is a team growing every year, a big team, but they can’t pay an extraordinary amount.
“When I came to Chelsea they paid a lot less compared to what’s being offered to them. I think they should take into account everything that I've done. It’s not my fault that I’m not at the club. If it was down to me I’d be playing. It’s already been one month. Holidays are good but it gets tiresome.
“I didn’t provoke the situation, but now that it’s come to this the club has to think in two ways. Of course they need to get something back [in a sporting sense], like I gave them on the pitch, but financial as well. After three years they will receive a fee higher than what they paid.”
